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Held in common: Silver lining stories from the people of bristol

Polly is collaborating with The Network, Bristol to create Held In Common - a podcast celebrating the stories that are held in our communities, in our common knowledge, in our folk histories and our everydays. It seeks to bring together diverse voices to celebrate all that we have, and hold, in common.
The first series is titled Silver Linings and Polly and The Network are seeking 'silver lining stories' - moments which have made people in Bristol smile - during the outbreak of Covid-19.
Each week we'll be asking Bristol residents to send us an audio clip of a positive 'silver lining' moment which fits that week's theme.
The theme for Episode 1 is: The Unexpected Good: the little things that have changed unexpectedly for the better during the virus outbreak.
We’re looking for contributions for this episode now!
What sort of stories are you looking for?
Maybe you’ve got to know a neighbour you never knew before? Or you’re enjoying less traffic on the roads? Have you discovered a new local walk that you never knew was there? Perhaps you’ve been enjoying not having to do a long commute to work? However small the moment, we’d love to hear what little changes have pleased you since the outbreak began.
Don't worry if you don't have a story which fits this theme! There will be lots of different themes to come.
How do I take part?
To take part in Episode One: The Unexpected Good all you need to do is record yourself finishing this statement:
‘Something good that I’ve noticed during the outbreak is….’
Please submit your story by 12 noon on Wednesday 22nd April.
If you’re not sure whether you’ve got a story to tell, or you’re not sure how to tell it, take a look at our Story Finding & Telling Resources here.
You are welcome to submit more than one story if you want to.
How Do I Record My Story?
To record your story, you will need a smartphone and WhatsApp. Stories will be audio only.
If you don’t have a smartphone or WhatsApp you can call Polly, on 07545 557001 or email to discuss alternative options.
Using WhatsApp, add Polly as a contact on 07545 557001.
Find a quiet place indoors with as little background noise as possible.
Press the microphone symbol to start recording your voice note. Keep the microphone symbol pressed down while you record - or, for a longer voice note, slide the microphone symbol up to keep the microphone ‘locked’ on.
Before you begin your story, please clearly state your full name and the area of Bristol you live in. For example: ‘Polly Tisdall, Easton Ward.’ (If you would like to submit without your name and area, you can choose to do so)
After a pause, start with the recommended statement above and complete it with your story. Remember your story doesn’t need to be long or complicated. It might just be one moment that you are describing. Ideally clips will be between 20-90 seconds long.
When you’ve finished, stop pressing the microphone symbol or press the ‘send’ icon and your voice note will be sent!
Listen out for your story on the podcast in the coming weeks!
Please note: we will try to use everybody’s contributions wherever possible but on occasion may have to make an exception if the sound quality is too poor or if we are overwhelmed by contributions!
We are currently exploring ways to invite contributions in languages other than English. If you speak a second language and would like to help us feature contributions from non-English speakers in your community please contact Polly.
How will my story be shared?
Your story will be shared on the podcast, which will be advertised on The Network website and social media and on Polly’s website and social media. The podcast will be available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify. Stories from the podcast may also be featured on Bristol Community Radio. If you would like more information on how your story will be shared, edited or stored - or if you would like to withdraw your story - click here.
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